Bordeaux dazzles with its new skatable sculptures in bright colors

<img src="" alt="Bordeaux enriches its public spaces: innovative skatable sculptures in 3D concrete by 3D Concrete">





Bordeaux continues to stand out for its commitment to urban innovation with the launch of three new skatable sculptures: "Unions," "Hands," and "Arrows." Each designed to enhance interactions in public spaces, these works mark a new step in the fusion of art, technology, and sports throughout the city.




<img src="" alt="Bordeaux enriches its public spaces: innovative skatable sculptures in 3D concrete by 3D Concrete">


Innovation and artistic creation

With "Unions," "Hands," and "Arrows," Bordeaux is making significant advances in the application of concrete 3D printing, transforming the traditional design of skate spaces. These sculptures, created in collaboration with artists and engineers, combine modern aesthetics with functionality, offering unique playgrounds for skaters while visually enhancing the urban space. Each piece is designed to stimulate both physical activity and social interaction, reflecting the city's ambition to create more inclusive and inspiring public places.


Meeting places and expression

The modules have been strategically placed in iconic locations within the city, such as the Water Mirror and next to the Bordeaux Opera, transforming these areas into interactive meeting points for the community. Installing them in these bustling locations maximizes the visual impact and utility of the sculptures, encouraging not only sport and physical activity but also artistic appreciation among citizens and visitors.




<img src="" alt="Bordeaux enriches its public spaces: innovative skatable sculptures in 3D concrete by 3D Concrete">


Reception and impact on the community

The initial reactions to these new installations have been overwhelmingly positive, with the sculptures quickly being adopted by the local skate community. The innovative approach of combining aesthetic elements with sports functionalities has also caught the attention of the media and sparked public interest, reinforcing Bordeaux's reputation as a forward-thinking city in terms of urban design and skate culture.


Future events and outlook

The project will culminate with the opening of the Connect Skaturbanism festival, which will start on October 17 at Cour Mably. This event is envisioned as a gathering space for skaters and cultural actors from around the world, highlighting the city’s commitment to artistic and sporting innovation. Additional sculptures will be installed around the city in the coming days, continuing to enrich the urban landscape.



<img src="" alt="Bordeaux enriches its public spaces: innovative skatable sculptures in 3D concrete by 3D Concrete">



Collaboration and creative vision

Under the auspices of the West Coast Agency and professional skater Léo Valls, this project aimed to redefine the skateboarding experience in Bordeaux. Together, they transformed bold ideas into skatable structures that surpass conventional standards, providing skaters with "concrete canvases" to freely express their creativity. This initiative, which also saw active participation from artistic director Brice Fauquet, has succeeded in forging connections and sparking curiosity through a fusion of art and skateboarding, making the new installations more than just sports equipment: spaces for artistic expression. Their mission, highlighting the importance of art in urban interactions, continues to captivate the community, encouraging everyone to discover these innovative works at the Water Mirror and explore new dimensions of skatable urbanism.





<img src="" alt="Bordeaux enriches its public spaces: innovative skatable sculptures in 3D concrete by 3D Concrete">





The new skatable sculptures in Bordeaux are not just aesthetic additions to the urban space; they represent a successful fusion of art, technology, and community. Through these installations, Bordeaux redefines what it means to be a creative city responsive to the needs and passions of its residents, while inviting everyone to engage in this unique and transformative experience.


<img src="" alt="Bordeaux enriches its public spaces: innovative skatable sculptures in 3D concrete by 3D Concrete">
<img src="" alt="Bordeaux enriches its public spaces: innovative skatable sculptures in 3D concrete by 3D Concrete">








<img src="" alt="Bordeaux enriches its public spaces: innovative skatable sculptures in 3D concrete by 3D Concrete">