3D Concrete: pioneers of 3D concrete printing

<img src="https://3dconcrete.fr/en/actualites/3d-concrete-pioneers-of-3d-concrete-printing/AlfredSauvyRéseauEntreprendre.jpg" alt="Runners-up for the Alfred Sauvy award and the Réseau Entreprendre award">



Innovation at the Heart of 3D Concrete

3D Concrete is not just a company; it's a revolution in the field of concrete and design. By adopting 3D concrete printing, we have opened new paths for architecture, urban planning, and home design. Our approach allows for faster, more ecological, and more creative design and production.


Réseau Entreprendre and Alfred Sauvy Award: a recognition of our work

The receipt of the Réseau Entreprendre award and our position as the second laureates of the Alfred Sauvy Prize mark a significant turning point for 3D Concrete. These prestigious distinctions underline our commitment to excellence and innovation.

The Réseau Entreprendre, with its recognized support for promising entrepreneurs, confirms our potential and credibility in the sector.

The Alfred Sauvy Award, rewarding innovation and entrepreneurial spirit in the Perpignan region, particularly highlights our ability to innovate in the field of 3D concrete printing. Finishing in second place in this prestigious competition is a testament to the relevance of our vision and technology.

These awards recognize our hard work and dedication to redefining the standards of the construction and design sectors, strengthening our position as a key player in industry innovation.


<img src="https://3dconcrete.fr/en/actualites/3d-concrete-pioneers-of-3d-concrete-printing/AlfredSauvyRéseauEntreprendre.jpg" alt="Runners-up for the Alfred Sauvy award and the Réseau Entreprendre award">                       <img src="https://3dconcrete.fr/en/actualites/3d-concrete-pioneers-of-3d-concrete-printing/AlfredSauvyRéseauEntreprendre.jpg" alt="Runners-up for the Alfred Sauvy award and the Réseau Entreprendre award">


Additive technology and personalization: a revolution in design

Our 3D concrete printing technology is not just a technical feat; it's also a revolution in design. It allows us to create complex and personalized shapes, impossible to achieve with traditional methods. This flexibility opens up endless possibilities for architects and designers, enabling them to realize bold and unique ideas.

Impact and vision of the company: beyond 3D printing

At 3D Concrete, we don't just follow trends; we create them. Our impact goes beyond 3D concrete printing. Our vision is to become a key player in transforming the construction and design industry, bringing innovative solutions that meet contemporary challenges.


Towards a future of innovation and creativity 

The future of 3D Concrete is as promising as its current achievements. We continue to explore new ideas and develop new projects that push the boundaries of 3D concrete printing even further. We look forward to sharing these innovations with the world!

<img src="https://3dconcrete.fr/en/actualites/3d-concrete-pioneers-of-3d-concrete-printing/AlfredSauvyRéseauEntreprendre.jpg" alt="Runners-up for the Alfred Sauvy award and the Réseau Entreprendre award">

Committing to the future 

3D Concrete is dedicated to innovation, quality, and sustainability. Our journey so far demonstrates our ability to imagine and realize projects that transform the sector. We invite everyone to follow our evolution and discover how we continue to shape the future of 3D concrete printing.


<img src="https://3dconcrete.fr/en/actualites/3d-concrete-pioneers-of-3d-concrete-printing/AlfredSauvyRéseauEntreprendre.jpg" alt="Runners-up for the Alfred Sauvy award and the Réseau Entreprendre award">