3D Concrete at the forefront of sustainable innovation

From June 15 to 17, 2022, an international meeting, Sostenibilidad en Ciutades y Turismo 5.0, took place in Alicante, organized by Connect Clean, the Generalitat Valenciana and the CCI France / Spain.

Indeed, Spain and in particular the region of Valencia, wishes to revive, revitalize its economy and its growth.

<img src="https://3dconcrete.fr/en/actualites/3d-concrete-a-un-congres-de-developpement-durable-a-alicante/alicantesustainabledevelopmentcongress.jpg" alt="3D Concrete joined the Sustainability in Cities and Tourism 5.0 meeting in Alicante">

But not in any way; by opting for the development of urban, port and tourist sectors (among others…), in a sustainable, ecological and responsible way. The use of new technologies, in order to provide sustainable development solutions, was at the very heart of this reflection, whether in terms of energy, travel, waste treatment, communication, data storage, construction or street furniture.

Particularly sensitive to these values, this philosophy being the very essence of our company, it is with great pleasure that we joined this event as partners.

<img src="https://3dconcrete.fr/en/actualites/3d-concrete-a-un-congres-de-developpement-durable-a-alicante/alicantesustainabledevelopmentcongress.jpg" alt="3D Concrete joined the Sustainability in Cities and Tourism 5.0 meeting in Alicante">

We were thus able to meet institutions, groups of municipalities, private and public entities, in order to address their issues together and present our solutions.
Delegations from Latin America were also present and seem inclined to join the movement.

This results in particularly interesting exchanges, with great insights into projects and partnerships.

<img src="https://3dconcrete.fr/en/actualites/3d-concrete-a-un-congres-de-developpement-durable-a-alicante/alicantesustainabledevelopmentcongress.jpg" alt="3D Concrete joined the Sustainability in Cities and Tourism 5.0 meeting in Alicante">




<img src="https://3dconcrete.fr/en/actualites/3d-concrete-a-un-congres-de-developpement-durable-a-alicante/alicantesustainabledevelopmentcongress.jpg" alt="3D Concrete joined the Sustainability in Cities and Tourism 5.0 meeting in Alicante">









<img src="https://3dconcrete.fr/en/actualites/3d-concrete-a-un-congres-de-developpement-durable-a-alicante/alicantesustainabledevelopmentcongress.jpg" alt="3D Concrete joined the Sustainability in Cities and Tourism 5.0 meeting in Alicante">